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The Christian journey is an invitation to a life of faith and adventure.

Salvation itself is received through faith in Christ: For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.. (Ephesians 2:8)

But the journey of faith doesn’t stop there. That’s just the beginning! Just as life in Christ begins with a profession of faith, growth in Christ and participating in all God has for our lives is also by faith.

Four times in Scripture we are told that you and I–the just, shall live by faith: Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38. 

So is it possible that God is seeking opportunities to grow your faith?

I had to answer that same question five years ago.

It was 2017 and I was in a very comfortable place in life. I was making good money working for the Canadian federal government; I supported my family overseas with remittances; I was even able to contribute to my church and help others in need.

I was comfortable. 

But my faith needed to be stretched. 

In the midst of my comfort came a strong desire to relocate to Toronto and pursue a seminary education. 

This did not look like a prudent decision. 

Tuition costs were expensive; I had no family in Toronto; there was no guarantee of a job; and thank God I knew nothing about the Toronto real estate market back then! 

But before me was an opportunity to continue my identification with Christ by taking a step of faith into a new adventure of ministry, relationships, and education. 

And God gave me the grace to say yes to his call. 

My colleagues, friends, and family were all surprised when I submitted my resignation. 

I learned that God can invite us into something without giving us all the details. Sometimes the only response to our prayers for confirmation and provision is simply Come and see. 

And as we take that step–not only does God increase our faith and teach us to depend on Him, but He goes before us to prepare the way–surprising us with His provision and the many things His grace has secured for us. 

Is God calling you to take a similar step and enroll at WIBI? Here are 7 vital questions to ask yourself as you make that decision. 

Be assured that He has already prepared the way for you. So come and see what God has in store for your life and your ministry.